You will find mites in almost every environment in the world. So, it is understandable why these near-microscopic arachnids are sometimes lurking in your homes. Mites are of different types: there are scavenging mites (e.g., dust mites), symbiotic mites, and parasitic mites (e.g., scabies, chiggers, rat mites, and bird mites). Fortunately, most of the mites around are harmless to humans, and except in special cases, we hardly notice their presence.
Humans, however, are the targets of bird mites, chiggers, and rat mite, and when these mites bite, they cause skin irritation. Dust mites are not known to bite, but they are not friendly either – they cause asthma complications and allergic reactions. Mites can adversely affect dogs, cats, and horses, particularly the Demodex and scabies mites – the lead causes of the popular skin problem called mange.
Mites can infest your pets, yard, or any other part of your home. However, you can keep them in check by applying the following tips:
Focus Areas
Mites are commonly restricted to the home and the pets, except the chiggers. When indoors, the most effective way to combat mites is fogging. Likewise, you should extend the treatment to every part of your home, because mites are almost invisible to the naked eye, so it is easy for them to hide in tight places. A pet-friendly pesticide and repellant will be enough to keep your pets safe. In the case of outdoor mites, such as chiggers, it is best to treat the whole yard using a plant-friendly outdoor pesticide. For personal safety during the treatments, ensure you put on a non-toxic personal repellant.
Controlling Mites – Helpful Tips
When it comes to controlling mites, the best option will depend on the peculiarities of your situation. However, below are some general tips that can help you prevent and combat the usual mite issues: